Sunday, December 19, 2010

final take home essay

        To be honest, I hate writing because it is a weak point of mine. Since I'm poor in vocabulary, it takes pretty much time to writing an essay. We write essays basically depend on the materials, so I need to understand those materials first. If there are plenty of words that I don't know the meaning, I look them up one by one. If I use the same word in one essay over and over, the reader must be bored. Therefore, I have frequent recourse to a dictionary for consulting the synonyms and some different expressions so that I can avoid using the same word or the same expression as possible as I can. Hence, I spend a lot of time working on essays. However, I have taken a fancy to this course for reason of the theme which is the supernatural. People are usually interested in a field of mystery such as supernaturality, and I am, too.
         I have learned how to analyze poems or fiction novels with symbols and how to interpret adventure films by applying the pattern of monomyth. I have gotten a clue about archetypes as well. For example, I couldn't positively catch the motif of "Goblin Market" at first, but I had a proper understanding of it after searching for those symbols. To comprehend the meaning of symbols is the crux of understanding the poem. Also, I could realize those patterns of hero's quest and identify the archetypes when I was watching "Spirited Away". Those I had learned in this course have deepened my understanding of literature.
         I like June's Coraline essay,which is our another classmate's, for reason of her point of view in describing the differences between "Coraline" and "Spirited Away". She indicates how the virtue of life in Asian culture and Western culture are different by explaining the character from each.

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