Monday, November 22, 2010

blog entry 3.4

I decided to write a research paper about a film which is related to the hero's quest. The film I chose is named " Howl's moving castle". Even though I watched it only twice up to now, I will work hard on it during the Thanksgiving holiday. I will do research on monomyth and find out how the functions of monomyth were adapted in this film. One of the archetypes plays an important part in this film is magician, so I'm going to find some information of magician archetype and interpret how magician was reflected in this film. I will have at least very detailed outline by 11/25 and will write the first draft by 11/27. Then, I will revise and edit and finish it by 12/7.


  1. I have never heard of this film so I am interested to learn about it. Good luck and I approve.

  2. sounds like a good timeline to complete it. good luck & I approve!

  3. approve!!! same as me. good luck
