Tuesday, October 26, 2010

blog 3.1

This image depicts the scene that "Lady Macbeth becomes wracked with guilt from the crimes she and her husband have committed. She sleepwalks and tries to wash imaginary bloodstains from her hands, all the while speaking of the terrible things she knows." (Wikipedia) Lady Macbeth kneeled down and was staring fixedly at her hands with a nightdress on. The periphery was pitch dark, and there's only a lamp gave out a dim light. I chose it because this scene was eloquent of Lady Macbeth's expression and gesture when she was tortured by perpetrating a crime. Also, the gloomy atmosphere matches with her anguish of guilt. One symbolic action that i recognized in this scene is that Lady Macbeth fall on her knees. Usually, people genuflect for praying in some religion. Her kneeling figure seems that she was penitent for her sin and begging for mercy.


1 comment:

  1. This image is kind of similar to mine. The difference is that this time is lady Macbeth instead of Macbeth himself. Good interpretation too.
