Monday, October 18, 2010

blof entry 2.2: wanderer

         After i finished " The Heroic Myth Self-test ", the result reveals that my main archetype is wanderer. I think this is the most suitable image for me. I'd rather describe myself as a "mental wanderer". Even though i live and study in the U.S, my mind inclines to my home town every moment. Also, I'm a person who is full of curiosity, so I'm interested in many things, and there are so many works i want to do. Even though i chose fine arts as my major, I also want to be a psychologist and businessman. So, i always think about that if i should change my major or not. We don't know what might happen or what we can see next when we row a boat in the river. However, i believe that if i go with the stream, i can approach somewhere i belong one day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm on business admistration major but my first choice for major was psychology. I still think If I did good to change it or no but maybe I will do both? U said in your blog entry...we as wanderers like to explore and we have trouble with making decisions because we are intrested in many things:)) Good job!!
