Monday, September 27, 2010

Entry 1.2: Internet Research

While I was searching some information about the supernatural, an article from which named "out-of-body experience" had caught
my eyes. I looked over it, and i realized this article took a parapsychologist's personal experience as an example. Her fictional experience stimulated my curiosity. Depending on the article, out-of-body experience(OBE) is a kind of feeling that one's soul deviate the body and watch the world as a bystander. Some people can go through an OBE semiconsciously because of a shock or by reason of an anesthetic and drugs' effect. Susan Blackmore, who is a former parapsychologist, wandered from Oxford to New York while she was undergoing an OBE. She became very small at first, then she became huge. Some guess that mind can recognize things "by some mysterious power not yet discovered". However, others claim that they are as a result of unstable brain which caused by illness or stress.


  1. I think I have experienced a "mini out-of-body experience. This topic is exciting and mysterious to me.... Great choice

  2. This is a great topic. One time i dreamed about myself going outside my body and looking at it laying on my bed. Was scary but interesting.

  3. This topic was very cool to read about. It makes me wonder if we actually do have that special part of our brain that we have yet to tap into which could cause many side-affects.
